Wednesday, October 23, 2013


For this project you are to select a minim of seven images to create a Surrealist Project using Photoshop. You should look up information on the Interent about the Surrealism Movement and create an image that has the look and feel of this art period.

An example might be the above image.

You  may also  read about the art period by going to the following link:

This project will be due the week starting October 28th.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Repair Old Photo

Select an old family photo that needs to be restored and use Photoshop to clean up the damaged areas. Please use corrective features such as the Clone Tool, Dodge and Burn and Levels or any other tool that appears to do the  job.

Also, even if you to not use the Content Aware feature in Photoshop, I would like for you to watch and know how that feature works.

You may use an image from the Internet for this project, if you use a family photo you will get more points.

Please see me if  you need help with any of the tools. This project will be due the first part of next week.

If you  do not have a old family photo then choose something from the  Internet. You  will not get as many points as someone who took the time to scan  in a photo and repair it.

*** I do want you to be working on an assignment in class and if you do not have an old family photo, then pull something from the Internet. OR start working on your next assignment which is the Surreallism assignment.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Self Portrait Assignment Using Illustrator

You are to create a new project where you design a self portrait using either the trace tool or pen tool.

Please scan in an image of yourself and put it on layer 2 and then on layer 3 use the pen to trace the image below. It is best to have the transparency turned on so you may see the image below.

The portrait does not have to be an exact representational image of yourself but more like a illustration. A good example might be those of Alex Katz. Although he is a painter, you should be able to get a good idea of how he reduces the image to its basic components.

This project will be due the first of next week. We will view these images on screen like we did the collage.